Oh friends......
This firecracker's fuse is out! I have a headache the size of Texas, my muscles hurt, my stomach is quivering.......my hair even hurts! This sucks!
And the worse news is, the big party is tomorrow. The party that I am having for my old....er...I mean ole' friend Lynard is tomorrow night!!!!!!! I have big plans my friends.....all of which cannot be fulfilled with a major migrane and quezzy stomach! What is a friend to do???????
Me and the Birthday Girl!!!!

Anyway, this is Craptacular! This is a tragedy! This is pure devestation! Whaaaaaaaaa!
On a brighter side, I did have my hair colored today. I went back to my short spike look and now it is darker with carmel highlights. I'll post pictures when I don't look so green! K????
BTW....my fantistic hubby has a blog! He wants to recreate our finer moments. His mission is about us remodling our bathroom in our old house! There are some comical moments...that's for sure!!! Say "Hi" at http://www.firecrackerdaddy.blogspot.com/. What an original name, eh????
And next weekend I get to see my soul sista whom lives in Texas! I see her 2-3X's a year...which isn't nearly enough! I'm pretty pumped! Well, as pumped as an sicko can be!!!!
ZZZZZZZZ......I better hit the pillow so I can feel better for tomorrow night. Forgive me for not saying hey today on you blogs, but I will be better soon!!!! Oh, and Happy Heart Day! I wish I could say that we were going to have a romantic night in with some wine, cheese, dessert and um......the "dessert" after the dessert (*wink...wink*) Hope you all have a wonderful, romantic, night filled with lots and lots of "desserts" (double wink, wink!)
And for your enjoyment!!! Let's part on a funny!!!!!
I have 2 words. Excedrine Migraine.
Very cute video!
He DID propose though, right? And years later, she'd probably get a kick out of telling that story at a cocktail party!
Excedrine migraine works pretty well, but if you get them more than about once a month, go to the doctor & get a prescription for midrin. It's great for migraine sufferers.
crabby crab face. You better take some excedrin STAT.
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