Hardy, Harr, Har! This video makes me dribble down my leg!!
I be bunkered into my house all weekend sista's! It's like a high of -15* here in South Shit-kota!
That son-of-a-beaver Old Man Winter is playing cruel nasty jokes on me now! I guess it's time to go "NINJA" on his ass!!!!
Here's my hubby getting rid of the snow!

Kidding! Only kidding!!! This here is the "Snow Fairy". Is't he special???
OMG...the Snow Fairy just made me laugh so hard that my coffee came out my nose!
Thanks for that...
You still have your nipples?!? Mine actually froze and fell off this morning while taking my kids to and from swimming lessons. Swimming lessons in the winter in South Dakota?!? What the heck was I thinking?!?
OMG!!!!! ROFL at the video and the Snow Fairy... my eyes nearly fell out when I first thought it was hubby!
It dropped a few inches of snow again for us today...Hope it warms up for us soon!
When I saw that naked ass I thought, OMG tell me that is NOT her hubby! Then you said it was and I was ROFL!! I'm glad it's really not him, though. Love that video!
Don't hate me because I live in Florida and had the a/c on today.......
Baha! Krissy, you are the funniest girl I know!! Thank you THANK YOU for making me laugh!
I think I saw the "Snow Fairy" in front of my house this morning.
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