Thursday, January 29, 2009

Rat Bastards....

What now? Let me tell ya.

I spent two hours of my life at the bank, filling out papers to dispute fraudulent charges on my account. Well. It's "our" checking account but I do use it the most.

Regardless....I got screwed out of $1200. And I am pissy, pissy Krissy.

The nerve of these corrupted geeks is disgusting. I wanna play kickball with their testecles. If only I knew who they were.

The paperwork was astronomical amounts. We had to wait for a Sheriff to file a police report. I looked like a criminal. I'm pissed, stressed and really, really just miffed. Ahhhh.

I'm having so many anxiety attacks that my hot flashes are in over drive. I'm sweating like a crack addict.

My bank will make good on the money yet I am still worried. What if it turns into Identity Theft? Do you have any idea how hard it is to prove yourself right in those cases. It is grueling and intense and it sucks hairy balls. I know someone who went through it and it took over 5yrs to get it straight.

Yet I sat on my dumb cloud thinking it could never happen to me. Thank God it wasn't identity theft or more money. They could have bled us dry. *sigh*

I'm gonna pass on some valuable information that you MUST do to prevent this from happening to you. It could have been worse. Had we have not had the adequate amount of money in our account, we would have been slammed with overdraft fees too. It could have been doubled the amount. And that money doesn't just reappear back into your account that day or even the next day.

This could happen to you. If you have never listened to me before, just listen to this. Pretty Please?

  • Do not ever hand over your debit card again. For instance. If you are paying for a meal. You put your card in the envelope and the waiter/waitress walks away with it. Think of this. Camera phones. All they have to do is snap a quick picture and just like that, you could be screwed. The possibility of them being nabbed for their crime? Slime to None. It's a easy crime to commit. Either pay in cash, with a check or use a credit card because they monitor those cards much, much more. Discover is the best for feud protection.
  • Try to use cash only. Remember back in the day, when ATM/Debit cards were newer? We all thought it was "safer" to use then cash. In some ways it is. Because how easy would it be to lose your wallet or purse and your cash doesn't have security on it. However, Freud is just as easy to lose money from.
  • Shred everything. Everything. Credit card offers, statements, anything that is thrown away needs to be shredded. It is crazy to think that this will become my life but it is what it is.
  • Use your card on the Internet only when you are 110% sure it is safe and secure. Ebay is very secure. But I am hesitant to even buy online from them anymore either.
  • Never give your card number out over the phone. Never. Even if it is a bill collector. You cannot give that information out any longer. Tell them that you will send them a check or money order. Explain why you refuse to give out your card number. If they don't understand, fuck em. It is not their money that is at potential danger.
  • Review your bank and credit card statements constantly. Your bank will not figure this out for you. You are in control of your own money. Immediately call your bank if anything sends up a red flag to you. That is what they are there for. I am so lucky we caught this when we did. They started out small. And the amount taken out got bigger as they got more greedy.
  • Monitor your credit score as well. Identity theft would be easier to find early by checking your score monthly.

Now go. Go check your bank statements and get busy on shredding.


Tara R. said...

Rat Bastard! Day-um girl! I hope you get all this straightened out and soon. We already shred everything, but I hadn't even thought of some of the other things on your list. Thanks for sharing!

GypsiAdventure said...

That is crap! What a bastard...sorry!

OHmommy said...

Oh man Krissy.... what a quacking poppy head. I am so shredding all of our things.

Brittany said...

WOW, Krissy! This is CRAPPY. I am so sorry it happened. Thanks for the advice. I am so naive to this. I really do use my card for everything...without thinking about the safety side of it. Thanks for the reminder!

Unknown said...

Grrrrr! I know, I know! This has happened to too many people I know lately.

My mom had a whole shitload of money spent out of her account awhile ago and I even had my debit card "compromised" just a little while ago. Fucking compromised. But the bank wouldn't tell me where because it was part of a police investigation! Ugh. So, I had to spend my valuable time at my bank, filling out papers and signing shit and getting a new debit card. Yes, to this day I have no idea just where this compromise happened.

I'm be livid to hun. Just furious. Personally, I could never cover a loss that large and would have to got go my family for help.

Thank for sharing your tips. They're all bang on. Also, always LOOK at your debit card before putting it back in your wallet. There's a sligh of hand, switcheroo scam that's getting big where the clerk switches your (big bank) debit card for an identical one and that's that. They have your card and PIN and off they go the next hour!
