Monday, May 5, 2008

The Spider said to the fly.......

The Chronicles of those who hate me:

Yep, you heard me, there are those who hate me and guess what, I think that they suck pig fat too. It's a long drawn out story, one that will bore you to tears. So, I'm gonna tell it anyway!!!

You see, it started with unfaithful, cheating, butt-munchers. Yep, there was this guy and this girl. Both married, donning their wedding bands. But the jack nuts decided that having sex in public, banging each other in a small town that everyone knows everything about you was a great idea. In a town that your neighbors know things about you that you don't even know. But the boy and the girl didn't think about that. All they could think about was how great it was to jump in a car and start rocking out with their cock out. And guess what, people saw. They would flirt and give google eyes for all to see.....including their spouses. Well, girl divorced her husband. But boy did not. Yet he still feels empowered to hump the now divorced girl. And more rumors started to fly. Not so much even rumors, but the truth was told in our small town grapevine.

I used to like boy and girl. Got along with them great. When I heard of such screwing rendezvous I lost some respect for them. But lets face it, I have enough on my plate to keep me satisfied and I really don't care to discuss their obscene get togethers. But somehow, boy and girl decided to bring other people into their disgusting affair. Could it have been because I am still good friends with girls ex husband? Don't know! I wasn't the only party that got dragged through the mud. Girl approached me about it....asked me why I have been starting rumors about her and boy. At school. Then she cried because she didn't want her children harmed by this. She approached me about it at school with said kids right there. Me being the mature one, I told her that I had no part of her adventures and if she was so concerned about her children, why would she make a scene at school, in front of her kids, and for all to hear. She shut up.

I went home, called the little tramp on the phone and gave her the biggest lip lashing I could give. I told her that if she didn't want to be the subject of rumors, then don't initiate them. If you wanted to have sex with a married man, then do it in a cheap hotel in another town, like other shits like her do. I hung up the phone and called it a day.

Then boy approached me at a event. Rudely. He usually has this gigantic beast of a body guard with him but his beast was no where to be found. I told him to "F" off and go home to his wife. He stated the same thing. I started rumors about their affair. Then he and girl went out on the dance floor and made out. Hmmmmm....Rumor? I think not!

Now little boy is scared. We saw him at a restaurant, again he was sans his hairy beast body guard, and he put his tail between his leg and ran for the door. I had to do it, I had to get the anger out, so I called him a pencil dick. He ran for the door.

I saw him and his hairy fat body guard (whom I hate as well) Friday night. They didn't say a word. You know why, because everyone hates this 3 hosers now. Not just from me. But because of the web they weaved. I did in fact voice my opinion to others about how I felt. I have a posse and I'm not to be messed with. They will tear them up. These tally whackers are aware of this now. They know that I have a voice equivalent to a fog horn when need be.

I laugh at the situation now. Ha,ha,ha! But at first I was saddened that they would start shit with me. Then I got pissed, then I got even. That's how I roll.

So, all I can say to the dweebs is come mess with me. Come face to face and lets throw it down. I'll invite you into my home to talk this out!!!!

Said the spider to the fly.....................

And for the record, boy is still with his wife, whom you never see together. She is ashamed but wants to keep the family together. She is a sweet, sweet lady and certainly deserves better then her redneck husband.



Blessings From Above said...

Unbelievable. Sucks for you being brought into such a mess, one that you had no part in creating.

And the poor kids, I feel so bad for the all the kiddos involved. I could not fathom putting my own family through so much pain.

I am glad you stuck up for yourself! You go girl!!!

Michelle said...

I am with you, let em' have it.

*I have read a few post, and I am hooked. I like to keep it 'real' too. I don't have time to blow smoke, this is life in simple terms.
I found you thru Bun's meme...

Brittany said...

You go girl. :) Not that I am surprised that you told them how it is... I mean... it's you! lol ;)

Caroline C. Bingham said...

That's sad. I know that if my husband was screwing someone else, especially in front of people, he'd be out of my house and my heart in 3 seconds flat.

NH Yocal said...

What a bunch of pricks with a capital "P." They sound like a big bunch of losers. good for you for standing up for yourself. That poor wife, hopefully she stops putting up with that crap.

krissy said...

hey need to do a profile babe so I can come by and see your blog!!!!!

Don Mills Diva said...

That poor poor wife! Good for you for sticking up for yourself - sounds like these people are looking to blame everyone but themselves for the mess they are in...

Laski said...

"I told her that if she didn't want to be the subject of rumors, then don't initiate them." Sage advice oh wise one.

People never, ever, ever learn.

Keep on rollin' . . .

Grandy said...

Bummer! People don't see outside their "needs" and think the world has to be about them. They don't realize who they're hurting.

Unknown said...

You totally got dragged through the mud on this one. I'd be furious, too...props to you for telling it like it is...keep it real, lovely Krissy!!

Blessings From Above said...

Hey Krissy,

I tagged you for a meme if you'd like to play along.

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

Geez...poor dumb wife, staying with that guy. I hope his pecker rots off.